Showing posts with label Windows and PCs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows and PCs. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2023

How to Get Windows 11 Pro Product Key for Free?

How to Get Windows 11 Pro Product Key for Free?

Windows 11 Pro is the latest version of the popular operating system from Microsoft. It is designed for businesses and professionals who need advanced features and enhanced security. One of the key components of Windows 11 Pro is the product key, which is used to activate the software and prove that it is a legitimate copy. In this article, we will discuss what the Windows 11 Pro product key is, how it works, and where you can find it.

A product key is a unique code that is used to activate a piece of software. In the case of Windows 11 Pro, the product key is used to verify that the software has been purchased and is being used legally. The product key is a combination of letters and numbers that is typically 25 characters long. It is typically located on a sticker on the packaging of the software or included in the email confirmation of purchase.
When you first install Windows 11 Pro, you will be prompted to enter your product key. This is done to ensure that the software is being used legally and to activate the features and security enhancements that are exclusive to the Pro version of the operating system. Once the product key is entered, the software will be activated and you will have access to all of its features.

It's important to note that the Windows 11 Pro product key is tied to the specific device it was first activated on. If you need to reinstall the operating system, or if you want to use it on a different device, you will need to enter the product key again. This is to prevent the software from being used on multiple devices at the same time, which would be a violation of the terms of use.

If you have lost or misplaced your Windows 11 Pro product key, you can still retrieve it. The product key will be included in the email confirmation of purchase if you bought it online, or on the packaging if you bought it in a physical store. If you can't find it, you can contact Microsoft support for assistance in retrieving it.

When you are buying a Windows 11 Pro product key, it's important to make sure that you are buying it from a legitimate source. Microsoft and authorized resellers are the only legitimate sources for Windows 11 Pro product keys. Buying a product key from an unauthorized source is illegal and can lead to problems with activating the software, as well as security risks.

In conclusion, the Windows 11 Pro product key is an essential component of the operating system. It is used to activate the software and prove that it is a legitimate copy. When you first install Windows 11 Pro, you will be prompted to enter your product key to activate it. If you lose or misplace your product key, you can retrieve it by contacting Microsoft support or finding it in the email confirmation of purchase or on the packaging. When buying a Windows 11 Pro product key, be sure to buy it from a legitimate source to avoid any problems with activating the software or security risks. 

Click this link to go to Product Key Page

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

How to Optimize Your PC or Laptop for Best Performance?

How to Optimize Your PC or Laptop for Best Performance?

Having a PC or laptop with optimal performance is essential because today’s applications require a great amount of power from hardware to run seamlessly. Of course, this optimal performance comes with a price, but there are certain things you can do to make things at their best. The best course of action one can take is the configuration of your machine. Let’s have a deep look into this subject for a while. A computer configuration is essential to ensure that the system runs smoothly and efficiently. It is important to consider the processor, memory, storage, graphics card, and peripherals (Keyboard + Mouse) are in the best state to run in harmony with each other to make a system the best. It is also important to ensure that all components are compatible with each other to avoid any potential issues.

The Processor

The processor is not Just the Brain, It’s The Heart of Your System

You heard right, the first thing to consider when it is about performance is The Processor. The processor, also known as the central processing unit (CPU), is the "brain" of the computer and is responsible for executing instructions. High-end processors, such as those from Intel or AMD, can handle more complex tasks and provide faster performance.
Here is a quick look at some of the best processors in the market today,

For High-end Gaming and Content Creation

Intel Core i9 and AMD Ryzen 9 processors will likely offer the best performance for high-end gaming and content creation tasks. These processors will have 8-16 cores and high clock speeds, making them ideal for running multiple heavy workloads simultaneously. 

For Mid-Range Gaming and Productivity

Intel Core i5 and AMD Ryzen 5 processors will likely be a good choice for mid-range gaming and productivity tasks. These processors will have 4-8 cores and high clock speeds, making them suitable for running most games and productivity software smoothly.

For Budget Gaming and Productivity

Intel Pentium and AMD Ryzen 3 processors will likely be a good choice for budget gaming and productivity tasks. These processors will have 2-4 cores and lower clock speeds, making them suitable for running older games and basic productivity software at a lower cost.

Low-Power and Mobile

Intel Core M and AMD Ryzen U processors will likely be a good choice for low-power and mobile devices. These processors will have low power consumption and heat output, making them suitable for devices like laptops, tablets, and 2-in-1s. 

Memory is the Next Big Game!

After Processor the next big deal and the second important component is RAM or Random Access Memory. RAM is a type of memory that stores data temporarily and allows the computer to access it quickly. When it comes to memory, it is generally recommended to have at least 8GB of RAM for basic use, and 16GB or more for more demanding tasks such as video editing and gaming. A computer with more RAM can handle more programs at once and run them more efficiently. With the increased technology RAM performance is likely to continue to improve, with faster speeds and larger capacities becoming available.

One major trend in RAM performance is the increasing speed of DDR4 memory. DDR4, which stands for "double data rate fourth generation," is the current standard for RAM and is faster than its predecessor, DDR3. DDR4 RAM is likely to reach speeds of up to 4,800 MHz, which is a significant increase from the standard speeds of 2,133 MHz or 2,400 MHz seen in previous years.

Another trend in RAM performance is the increasing capacity of RAM modules. It is likely that RAM modules with capacities of 64 GB or even 128 GB will become more widely available. This is a significant increase from the 8 GB or 16 GB modules that were common in previous years and will allow for more efficient multitasking and larger applications to run smoothly. Another trend that we are seeing is a move towards low-voltage DDR4 memory chips, which consume less power and are better suited for portable devices, such as laptops and tablets. In terms of price, RAM is likely to remain relatively affordable in the coming days, with prices for 8 GB DDR4 RAM modules remaining around $50, and prices for 16 GB DDR4 RAM modules remaining around $100.

RAM performance is expected to continue to improve with faster speeds, larger capacities, and low-voltage chips becoming more widely available in the coming days. These improvements will allow for smoother multitasking and larger applications to run efficiently, making computers and other devices more powerful and efficient.

When looking for best-performance RAM deals consider these most popular RAM manufacturers,

· Corsair
· G.Skill
· Kingston
· Crucial
· HyperX

These manufacturers offer a wide range of RAM options with varying speeds, capacities, and latencies to suit different needs and budgets. Corsair and G.Skill are known for producing high-performance RAM, while Crucial and Kingston offer more budget-friendly options. HyperX is a gaming-focused brand and offers a wide range of high-performance RAM. Ultimately, it's important to compare the specifications of the RAM and choose one that is compatible with your computer and meets your performance needs.

Computer Storage!

After Processor and RAM third most important component to consider when configuring a computer is Storage, storage is also an important aspect of computer configuration. A computer's storage capacity is determined by the size of its hard drive or solid-state drive (SSD). Hard drives are typically less expensive, but they are also slower and have moving parts that can wear out over time. SSDs, on the other hand, are more expensive but offer faster performance and are more durable.
Storage performance is likely to continue to improve, with faster speeds and larger capacities becoming available.

One major trend in storage performance is the increasing speed of solid-state drives (SSDs). SSDs are a type of storage that uses flash memory to store data, as opposed to traditional hard drives which use spinning disks. In 2023, SSDs are likely to reach speeds of up to 6,000 MB/s, which is a significant increase from the standard speeds of around 500 MB/s seen in previous years. This will allow for faster boot times, quicker file transfers, and overall improved system performance.
Another trend in storage performance is the increasing capacity of storage devices. In near future, it is likely that storage devices with capacities of 30 TB and more will become more widely available. This is a significant increase from the 4 TB or 8 TB devices that were common in previous years and will allow for more space to store large amounts of data.
Another trend that we are seeing is a move towards NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) SSDs, which provide faster data transfer rates and lower latency than traditional SATA SSDs, especially in high-performance applications, such as gaming and video editing.
In terms of price, storage devices are likely to remain relatively affordable in 2023, with prices for 1 TB SSDs remaining around $100, and prices for 2 TB SSDs remaining around $200.
Computer storage performance is expected to continue to improve with faster speeds, larger capacities, and NVMe SSDs becoming more widely available. These improvements will allow for faster data access, more storage space and improved performance for high-performance applications, making computers and other devices more powerful and efficient.

Graphic Cards!

The next important aspect of computer configuration is the graphics card. A graphics card, also known as a video card, is responsible for rendering images on the computer's display. A high-end graphics card can handle more complex graphics and provide better performance for gaming and other graphics-intensive applications.

When choosing graphics cards for your PC, there are many aspects to consider, such as performance, power consumption, price, and compatibility with your computer's other components. Some of the top-performing graphics cards currently available are the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080, and AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT. However, these cards are also among the most expensive. The Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 and AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT are also high-performing cards that are more affordable. Ultimately, the best graphics card for you will depend on your specific needs and budget.

Computer configuration also includes the selection of the operating system. It is the software that communicates with the computer's hardware and allows you to interact with the computer. Common operating systems include Windows, macOS, and Linux. Each operating system has its own unique features and advantages.

When optimizing a computer, it is important to consider not only the current needs of the user but also the potential future needs. For example, if the computer will be used for gaming or other graphics-intensive applications, it may be beneficial to invest in a high-end graphics card. If the computer will be used for video editing or other processor-intensive tasks, a high-end processor may be necessary.

It is also important to consider the amount of storage needed. If the user plans to store a large number of media files, such as music, videos, and photos, a larger hard drive or SSD may be necessary. Additionally, it may be beneficial to consider a computer with a combination of both a hard drive and SSD, as this can provide the best of both worlds in terms of storage capacity and performance.

The operating system is another important aspect of computer configuration. Windows is the most widely used operating system and is compatible with a wide range of software and games. MacOS is known for its user-friendly interface and integration with Apple devices. Linux is an open-source operating system, it is known for its flexibility and security. Choosing the right operating system will depend on the user's needs and preferences.

Computer peripherals such as a keyboard, mouse, and monitor can also have a significant impact on the user's experience. A high-quality keyboard and mouse can provide a more comfortable and efficient experience, while a high-resolution monitor can provide a better viewing experience.

Finally, computer configuration can also include additional peripherals such as a keyboard, mouse, and monitor. These peripherals are not necessary for the computer to function, but they can enhance the user's experience and make it more comfortable.

In ending remarks we would say that the best computer configurations are essential for optimizing its performance and ensuring that it runs smoothly. The processor, memory, storage, graphics card, operating system, and peripherals are all important aspects of computer configuration. It is important to choose the right components and ensure that they are compatible with each other.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

How to Download Windows 11 Latest Copy?

How to Download Windows 11 Latest Copy?

Windows 11 is the latest version of the popular operating system from Microsoft. It was officially released on June 24, 2021 and is available as a free upgrade for Windows 10 users. In this guide, we will show you how to download and install Windows 11 on your computer.

Before You Begin

Before you start the download and installation process, it is important to make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for Windows 11. The following are the minimum requirements for Windows 11

  1. 64-bit processor with at least 2 GHz clock speed
  2. 4 GB of RAM
  3. 64 GB of storage space
  4. DirectX 12 compatible graphics card
  5. Internet connection

It is also important to make sure that you have a valid product key for Windows 11. If you are upgrading from Windows 10, you will not need a product key as the upgrade process will automatically activate your copy of Windows 11.

Step 1- Create a backup of your files

Before you begin the installation process, it is important to create a backup of your important files and data. This will ensure that you do not lose any important data in case something goes wrong during the installation process. You can use a backup tool such as Windows Backup and Restore or third-party backup software to create a backup of your files.

To download Windows 11, you will need to go to the official Microsoft website and download the installation media. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 2- Download the Windows 11 installation media

  • Go to the official Microsoft website (
  • Click on the "Windows" tab
  • Click on the "Windows 11" tab
  • Click on the "Download now" button

Step 3- Create a bootable USB drive

Once the download is complete, you will need to create a bootable USB drive to install Windows 11. To do this, you can use the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool. This tool can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.
This will start the download process for the Windows 11 installation media. The download process may take some time depending on your internet connection speed.

Once you have downloaded the tool, follow these steps to create a bootable USB drive:

  1. Insert a USB drive into your computer.
  2. Run the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool.
  3. Select the Windows 11 installation media file that you downloaded.
  4. Select the USB drive as the target device
  5. Click on the "Begin copying" button.

This will create a bootable USB drive that you can use to install Windows 11. 

 Step 4: Install Windows 11 

Once you have created a bootable USB drive, you can now start the installation process. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Press the appropriate key to enter the boot menu (this key may vary depending on your computer's manufacturer).
  3. Select the USB drive from the boot menu.
  4. Press the enter key.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Windows 11. 

The installation process may take some time depending on the speed of your computer. Once the installation is complete, your computer will restart and you will be prompted to set up Windows 11.

Step 5: Activate Windows 11

Once you have set up Windows 11, you will need to activate it. If you are upgrading from Windows 10, your copy of Windows 11 will be automatically activated. If you are installing Windows 11 on a new computer, you will need to enter a valid product key to activate it.

We hope that your windows installation would go smoothly after this guide. Stay linked to read more about other useful articles. You can get a free Windows 11 Product Key here. Click on the following article,

How to Make Your Windows 10 Faster?

How to Make Your Windows 10 Faster?
How to Make Your Windows 10 Faster?

Let's talk about 

How to Make Your Windows 10 Faster

As technology advances and software becomes more complex, it is common for computers to slow down over time. Windows 10 is no exception, and users may find that their once-fast computer is now running at a snail's pace. However, there are several ways to speed up your Windows 10 computer without buying a new one. This article will outline several methods for making your Windows 10 faster, including disabling unnecessary services and programs, cleaning up your hard drive, and optimizing your settings.

Disabling Unnecessary Services and Programs

How to Make Your Windows 10 Faster?

One of the easiest ways to speed up your Windows 10 computer is to disable unnecessary services and programs. Many programs and services run in the background, using up valuable system resources. By disabling these programs and services, you can free up memory and CPU usage, which can make your computer run faster.

To disable unnecessary services and programs, open the Task Manager by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys on your keyboard. Under the "Processes" tab, you will see a list of all the programs and services currently running on your computer. Identify the programs and services that you do not need and select them, then click "End task" button. Be careful not to end the task of important system processes.

Cleaning Up Your Hard Drive

How to Make Your Windows 10 Faster?

Another way to speed up your Windows 10 computer is to clean up your hard drive. Over time, your hard drive can become cluttered with files and programs that you no longer need. By removing these files and programs, you can free up space on your hard drive, which can make your computer run faster.

To clean up your hard drive, open the Disk Cleanup utility by clicking on the Start menu and typing "Disk Cleanup." Select the drive you want to clean and click OK. The Disk Cleanup utility will scan your hard drive and present you with a list of files and programs that can be safely removed. Select the files and programs that you no longer need and click OK.

Optimizing Settings

How to Make Your Windows 10 Faster?

Another way to speed up your Windows 10 computer is to optimize your settings. Windows 10 has many features and settings that can be adjusted to improve performance. By optimizing these settings, you can make your computer run faster.

One setting that can be adjusted to improve performance is the visual effects. To adjust the visual effects, open the System Properties dialog box by right-clicking on the Computer icon on the desktop and selecting Properties. Click on the Advanced tab and then click on the Settings button under the Performance section. Select the Adjust for best performance option and click OK.

Another setting that can be adjusted to improve performance is the Indexing. Indexing is a feature that allows Windows to quickly search for files on your computer. However, indexing can also slow down your computer. To turn off indexing, open the Control Panel and select Indexing Options. Click the Modify button and uncheck the folders you don't want to be indexed.

Other Steps to Make Your Windows Run Faster

  • Uninstall unnecessary programs: Go through your programs and uninstall any that you don't use or need. This can free up space on your hard drive and improve performance.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies: Clearing your browser's cache and cookies can help improve page loading times and overall performance..
  • Run a virus scan: Make sure your computer is free of viruses and malware that can slow down your system.
  • Adjust visual effects: Adjusting visual effects settings can make your computer run faster.
  • Add more RAM: Adding more RAM can help improve performance, especially if you're running multiple programs or large files.
  • Run a disk defragment: Disk defragmenter rearranges fragmented data so your files and programs can be read more efficiently.
  • Close background processes: Close any unnecessary background processes that may be running.
  • Update your drivers: Make sure your drivers are up to date, as outdated drivers can cause performance issues.
  • Consider getting a SSD: A SSD (solid state drive) is faster than a traditional hard drive and can greatly increase the speed of your computer.

Some Useful Software to Make Your Windows Even More Faster

In addition to the methods outlined above, there are also several useful Windows applications that can help boost the speed of your computer. Some popular options include:

  • CCleaner: This popular cleaning tool can be used to remove unnecessary files and programs from your computer, as well as clean up your registry and improve your computer's performance.
  • Glary Utilities: This all-in-one system optimization tool includes various features, such as a registry cleaner, startup manager, and memory optimizer, that can help boost speed and improve overall performance.
  • Advanced SystemCare: This software offers a variety of features to help optimize your computer's performance, including a system cleaner, startup optimizer, and system protector.
  • Razer Cortex: This software optimizes your computer's performance by shutting down background processes and unnecessary services, which can free up system resources and improve performance.
  • IObit Game Booster: This software is designed to optimize your computer's performance when playing games by closing background processes, freeing up memory and CPU usage, and optimizing your settings.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

How to Recover Deleted Files in Windows 10 Without Any Additional Software?

How to Recover Deleted Files in Windows 10 Without Any Additional Software?

Losing your precious data is so frustrating and quite a nightmare but choosing the best line of action can recover and save your time and money. There are a few ways to recover deleted files in Windows 10 without using any additional software, we are going to read about some quick ways to do so without spending a single quid, of course, there are lots of commercial paid and also freeware but in the following lines we will be using native Windows Software, so let's dive in.

Recycle Bin

The first place to check for deleted files is the Recycle Bin. If the files were recently deleted, they may still be in the Recycle Bin and can be easily restored. Simply open the Recycle Bin, locate the deleted files, and select "Restore" to retrieve them.

Previous Versions

Windows 10 has a built-in feature called "Previous Versions" that allows users to restore previous versions of files. Right-click on the deleted file's folder and select Properties. Next, click on the "Previous Versions" tab and select a previous version of the file to restore.

Command Prompt

If the above methods don't work, you can try using the Command Prompt to recover the deleted files.

Command Based Recovery using Command Prompt

We start with the Command Prompt and a series of very specific commands. If you can successfully use this method, we’re convinced that you won’t have a problem with any other method described in this article.

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Type "cmd", right-click on the top match, and select "Run as administrator" to run the Command Prompt with an administrator privilege.
  3. Type "chkdsk X: /f" and hit Enter on your keyboard. Replace "X" with the letter of your hard drive.
  4. Type "ATTRIB -H -R -S /S /D X:*.*" and hit Enter. Again, replace "X" with the letter of your hard drive.

The recovery process may take a while to finish, so be patient and don’t interrupt it. If possible, don’t do anything at all on your computer while the recovery process is running because you could overwrite the deleted files and make recovery impossible.

Cloud Backup

If you have a cloud backup service such as OneDrive or Google Drive, and you have turned on the feature of "Files On-Demand" then you can easily restore the deleted files from there.

Use the Windows File Recovery Tool

Microsoft has released its own data recovery tool, called Windows File Recovery, and you can use it to recover some deleted files even if they are no longer present in the Recycle Bin.

Windows File Recovery is a command-line tool, so it’s not nearly as intuitive as Disk Drill and other graphical data recovery tools. At least you can download it for free directly from the Microsoft Store—at least if you have Windows 10 build 19041 or later.

Here is a link to download the tool,

Windows File Recovery

You can find more information about the available recovery modes and switches on the official support page. Here’s an example of how the latest version of the Windows File Recovery tool can be used to recover PDF files from C: drive to E: drive:

The Lightest Windows 11 installation Ever for your PC or Laptop!

The Lightest Windows 11 installation Ever for your PC or Laptop!

This Windows 11 Lite build is essentially a stripped-down version that contains just the necessary Windows 11 files required to make the OS work. The biggest upside of this build is that it can run on systems with RAM as low as 256 MB and storage as low as 10GB, which is simply insane.

Install Windows 11 Lite on Your PC (2022)

While this guide will explain how to install Windows 11 Lite on your computer, it will also address some important questions you may have about this build in the FAQ section. If you would rather skip to that and read it first, then use the table below to do so.

Things You Need Before Installing Windows 11 Lite

As eager as you might be to install this lightest build of Windows 11, there are some things you need before we can begin. Have a look at the list below, and make sure to cross it off.

1. Windows 11 Lite ISO Image 

Since this is a custom ISO file of Windows 11, you simply cannot install it through Microsoft. Thankfully, the creator has made it super easy to download it, nevertheless, Download the Windows 11 Lite ISO directly from the Google Drive link and keep it on your desktop. Remember you must log in to Google Drive before downloading the ISO file.

2. Rufus and Pen Drive


Much like other ISO images, this one will need to be flashed onto a pen drive for installation. To create a bootable USB drive, we will need the utility software Rufus (download ). Simply download it and keep a pen drive handy for the process below.

Burning ISO Image onto the USB Drive

We will now proceed to burn the Windows 11 Lite ISO image onto a pen drive for installation. Provided you have already installed Rufus from above, plug in your USB and follow the steps below. Here are steps for you to follow to burn an ISO image to a pen drive through Rufus.

1- Open up Rufus on your computer to begin. Select your USB drive by clicking the drop-down button next to “Device“.


2- Besides boot selection, click on the “Select” button to choose your ISO file.


3- Keep other options to default values. Then, click START to create a Windows bootable USB from ISO.


Bottom Line

After installing Windows 11 Lite, you need to download some software according to your condition. If you have installed many unnecessary programs, the PC will become bloated again. In addition, Windows 11 Lite is not suitable for gaming since it only includes the basic functionalities of Windows 11.

Are you interested in MiniTool Partition Wizard? This software can help you back up Windows 11, manage disks better, and recover data. If you have this need, you can download it from the official website.

Want to Know How to Recover Deleted Data on Your PC? Read This Article!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

How to install Windows 11 on Old Computers?

How to install Windows 11 on Old Computers?

Installing Windows 11 on a device that does not meet Windows 11 minimum system requirements is not recommended. If you choose to install Windows 11 on ineligible hardware, you should be comfortable assuming the risk of running into compatibility issues.

Your device might malfunction due to these compatibility or other issues. Devices that do not meet these system requirements will no longer be guaranteed to receive updates, including but not limited to security updates.

The following disclaimer applies if you install Windows 11 on a device that doesn't meet the minimum system requirements:

This PC doesn't meet the minimum system requirements for running Windows 11 - these requirements help ensure a more reliable and higher quality experience. Installing Windows 11 on this PC is not recommended and may result in compatibility issues. If you proceed with installing Windows 11, your PC will no longer be supported and won't be entitled to receive updates. Damages to your PC due to lack of compatibility aren't covered under the manufacturer's warranty.

Before you install Windows 11

If you are unsure if your device meets the Windows 11 minimum system requirements and have Windows 10 already installed, you can download the PC Health Check app, which will assess eligibility and identify components of your device that don't meet the minimum requirements. The app will also link to info that details steps you can take to make your device meet the minimum system requirements. To learn more, download and install PC Health Check app. 

What does my PC need to be “supported”?

Let’s reiterate the Windows 11 system requirements:

  • A "compatible" 1 GHz or faster dual-core 64-bit processor from Intel, AMD, or Qualcomm
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 64GB of storage
  • UEFI Secure Boot supported and enabled
  • A Trusted Platform Module (TPM), version 2.0
  • A DirectX 12-compatible GPU with a WDDM 2.0 driver
  • A 720p display larger than 9 inches in size
  • Windows 11 Home requires a Microsoft account and Internet connectivity; Windows 11 Pro can still be used with a local account in Windows 11 version 21H1, but in the 22H2 update, the Pro version will also require a Microsoft account sign-in. There are workarounds for this that we'll cover later.
The processor requirement is the most restrictive; supported processors include 8th-generation and newer Intel Core processors as well as AMD Ryzen 2000-series processors and newer. These are all chips that launched in late 2017 and early 2018. Older computers can’t officially run Windows 11. This is a big departure from Windows 10, which made a point of supporting pretty much anything that could run Windows 7 or Windows 8.

We get more into the reasoning behind these requirements (and whether they hold water) in our review. But the three big ones are the CPU requirement, the TPM requirement, and the Secure Boot requirement.

After you install Windows 11


When Windows 11 is installed on a device that does not meet the minimum system requirements, we'll notify you using a watermark on your Windows 11 desktop. You might also see a notification in Settings to let you know the requirements are not met.If you're experiencing issues after upgrading to Windows 11 and your device does not meet the minimum system requirements, we recommend you go back to Windows 10. 

To go back to Windows 10, select Start  > Settings  > System  > Recovery  > Go back . This option is only available for 10 days following your upgrade, after which time the files needed to perform this function will be removed to free up disk space on your device. 

How to get Windows Games and Software for free?

How to get Windows Games and Software for free?

How to get Windows Games and Software for free? Free software is a concept that holds great significance to many people around the world. Essentially, it refers to software that's free to use without any restrictions- for any purpose. Free software can be downloaded and used on computers, smartphones, and tablets. It's an open-source movement that promotes cooperation among all software creators and users. Free software is used to customize personal devices such as PCs, smartphones, and tablets. Most of the apps and games on Windows are free, allowing you to download and use them without paying a membership fee. This allows you to take full control of your device and use it as you wish. Other free software allows you to edit programs, configure operating systems and create applications. Even system utilities such as disk managers or memory cleaners are freely available. By downloading these programs, you can make your device function exactly the way you want it to.

Many people download free software from the internet rather than from physical media drives. This saves people the trouble of hunting down these drives in person. Plus, most free software is available for download directly from the creators' websites. All you have to do is go online or search your preferred platform's app store. You'll find numerous free software apps for Windows in every category imaginable. Everything from home theater to business and programming tools is available for download here. Downloading free software is beneficial even if you don't intend on using it personally. Anyone can download any free software they like and keep it on their PC or mobile device. This frees up space on those systems and prevents them from slowdowns caused by outdated programs running in excess RAM. Additionally, many free software alternatives are superior in various ways compared to their commercial counterparts. Software developers take pride in their work and put serious effort into creating quality programs for Windows. This allows you to tweak your operating system without paying a cent!.

Taking advantage of Windows PC free software saves people money, space, and aggravation. It also gives them access to high-quality open-source programs without sacrificing performance or security. Anyone with a PC or smartphone can benefit from freely available open-source software! Before we get into the sites that offer lots of different Windows software, it's worth remembering that the safest place to download the most popular software is often right from its official website. If you're looking to download a browser, security suite, media app, or similar, you can't get much more secure than its homepage.

Some software may still try to foist unwanted bundled junk on you from its official website, but you can be pretty sure it's free of malware. If you don't know an app's download page, a quick Google search for "download Spotify" or similar will bring up a box that takes you right to it. Just make sure you're on the official page. If you have been using the Windows operating system for a while, you might know that Windows has tons of free software. Yes, there is premium software too, but you can download & use them for free (trial).

There are many free software programs available for Windows, including,


a free, open-source office suite that includes programs for word processing, spreadsheet creation, presentations, and more.


A free, open-source photo editor with many of the same features as Adobe Photoshop.


A free, open-source audio editor and recording software.

VLC Media Player

A free, open-source media player that can play various video and audio file formats.


A free, open-source file archiver that can create and extract archive files in various formats.

Google Chrome

A free web browser developed by Google.

Mozilla Firefox

A free web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation.

Microsoft Edge

A free web browser developed by Microsoft and the default browser for Windows 10.


A free software program that helps protect your computer from malware and other threats.

Here is a List of software that You can Use for the Best Results.

Windows PC Games

Download Managers

Text Editors

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